This paper was a collaborative effort with current and former graduate students of lead PI, Kerstin Wasson, NSF REU interns, UCSC field interns, ESNERR research staff, and folks from the University of Virginia, University of Georgia, CDFW, CSU Monterey Bay, Oregon State, Hopkins Marine Station, and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Fig 8 pulled from the manuscript showing shell dissolution and crab damage to the snail shells. A: Live mudsnail with intact shell with low taphonomic index; B: live mudsnail with very dissolved shell with high taphonomic index and algal growth; both A and B were used for tethering experiment and show attachment with dental floss. C–F: crab damage on empty shells with typical peeled apertures and puncture wounds. G–J: illustrations by D. Jolette (see complete series in Figs. S8-9). G: idealized intact shell with taphonomic index of 0; H: highly dissolved shell with taphonomic index of 4; I: peeled aperture and puncture wound typical of crab predation; J: shell repair typical following crab predation